[email protected]
The Manager is the Chief Administrative Officer of the Borough and responsible to the Council as a whole for the proper and efficient administration of all affairs of the Borough.
[email protected]
The Borough Treasurer oversees the financial operations of the Borough including payroll, accounts receivable, accounts payable, utility billing, and budgetary management.
Building Inspector & BCO
[email protected]
New Freedom’s Zoning Officer is charged with construction permit review, issuance, and any needed inspections, to ensure compliance with building codes and zoning regulations.
Administrative Assistant
[email protected]
Facilitates office tasks with an emphasis on directing incoming phone calls and visitors, maintaining records, and providing secretarial support to the Manager and Zoning Officer.
Utility Billing Clerk
[email protected]
The position of Utility Billing Clerk is responsible for maintaining customer account data, preparing and mailing bills, entering payment data, preparing reports, and assisting with citizen inquiries.
Public Works Superintendent
[email protected]
Directs the administration, operation, repair, maintenance, and replacement of Borough owned buildings, water distribution, parks, street, and storm drainage facilities.
Public Works Foreman
[email protected]
Assists the Superintendent with the operation, repair, maintenance, and replacement of Borough owned buildings, water distribution, parks, street, and storm drainage facilities.
Director of Wastewater Operations
[email protected]
The Director of Wastewater Operations is responsible to direct the administration, operation, and maintenance of the wastewater treatment plant and related facilities.
Chief Operator
[email protected]
Assists the Director of Wastewater Operations ensuring compliance with sampling, testing, and reporting on the operation, and maintenance of the wastewater treatment plant.
Wastewater Foreman
[email protected]
The Wastewater Foreman oversees operating, controlling, and maintaining the wastewater treatment plant equipment and sewer collection system processes.
49 East High Street • New Freedom, PA 17349
Phone: (717) 235-2337 • Monday – Friday, 8:00 am – 4:00 pm